Miss tape: Dissolved girl por Odette Aguirre
Por Lado B @ladobemx
21 de mayo, 2017


Odette Aguirre


  1. Good MorningThe Dandy Warhols
  2. SilentlyBlonde Redhead
  3. 15thWire
  4. Half a personThe Smiths
  5. Cuts You UpPeter Murphy
  6. Memorize The CityThe Organ
  7. SudestadaGustavo Cerati
  8. Sweet ThingVan Morrison
  9. SuccessInterpol
  10. Trans Fatty AcidKruder & Dorfmeister
  11. HaylingFC Kahuna
  12. Remind MeRöyksopp
  13. We Have All The Time In The WorldLouis Armstrong
  14. One Johnny Cash




Autor Lado B
Lado B
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